Rabat is a cultural city steeped in history. Many masterpieces decorate its streets and squares. Visit the Kasbah des Oudayas: a majestic and formidable silhouette softened by the surrounding gardens. Not far from the walls rise the walls of Chellah, a necropolis from the time of the Merinids. Crossing the enclosure is like entering another world: you walk among ancient remains, among gardens and storks.
Rabat is also a modern, eco-responsible capital that gives pride of place to green spaces. Parks dot it, such as the botanical garden or the Bouknadel Exotic Gardens a few kilometers from the city. And then, Rabat takes care of its coastline: on the banks of the Atlantic, it deploys kilometers of developed beaches which lead to neighboring Casablanca.
Modern also by its infrastructures and festivals which contribute to your comfort and the liveliness of the capital. Airport, tram, shopping centers, cafes and restaurants, all amenities are within your reach. Finally, there is the music that Rabat celebrates like no other: Mawazine, Jazz au Chellah and many others fill the atmosphere with sounds and rhythms from all over the world!
Rabat is all of this, a city where the treasures of the past rub shoulders with the most modern and environmentally friendly achievements!

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